
Best Ways To Solve Your Hair Loss Dilemma

Hair Loss

Hair loss seemed to sneak up on me. I never paid much attention as my hair thinned as I aged until one day a friend started joking about the shiny spot on the crown of my head. When I got home, I pulled out a hand mirror and took a closer look. He was right. My head had a large shining spot with just a little fuzzy hair growing out of it. I asked my wife how long it had been that way and she just grinned. It had been getting thinner for years and I had ignored the hair loss completely.

 I had a tough decision to make. Was I going to accept the hair loss as a normal part of getting older or take action to restore my hair? I decided to try hair restoration before doing anything extreme. My first attempt was to buy some Rogaine. I used it for a couple months but did not notice any major difference. I know it works great for some men, since many of my friends swear by it, but for me it was a complete failure.

My second attempt at restoring my hair was to try the natural route. I consulted with a local chiropractor who is a natural medicine expert. He suggested I try an herbal shampoo formula and a dietary supplement he kept in stock. I cannot remember the exact ingredients, but he assured me it was my best chance with a natural medicine approach. I gave this new method a two-month trial, too. I did not see any improvement.

I was time to get serious about my hair loss. What was I going to do? I started researching hair implants, toupees, and other solutions to either replace or hide my hair loss. The surgical methods were too expensive. They had the highest chance of success, but I was unwilling to invest that much money in getting my hair restored. If I was single and trying to meet women, I might have decided differently.

My final answer to my hair loss dilemma came from my wife. She sat down with me and read all the information. We discussed possible solutions for hours. She even convinced me to go visit her cosmetologist. The cosmetologist suggested some other shampoos, cleansers, and ointments. I tried her solution, but it was the same story. My wife was not finished with helping.

A few weeks later I arrived at home to find my wife sitting on the couch with a stack of DVD movies, the remote, and a bottle of wine. She told me to sit down. We spent the evening watching her favorite actors on television. Actors like Dwayne Johnson, Bruce Willis, Patrick Stewart, and Sean Connery filled the screen. She kept telling me how sexy those men were. At 11PM, she pulled a small gift-wrapped box out and had me open it. It contained a set of hair clippers. Fifteen minutes later, my hair loss problem was solved. This solution is not for everyone, but if your wife thinks bald men are incredibly sexy, it might be for you.

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Jessica NY
I am Jessica Taylor, i'm American from New York, i love life, healthy life, i love the beauty ...